Monday, October 12, 2009

Clay mining in the slopes of Serra Geral puts an extra danger in the endangered Crested Eagles in Santa Catarina

This beautiful landscape is now facing degradation by logging, mining and fire wood afairs.

Forest clearing for fire wood and charcoal are rapidly destroying the last habitats of Crested Eagles in Serra Geral slopes, Santa Catarina

The rare and elusive Crested Eagle (Morphnus guianensis) can still be seen in Santa Catarina’s Serra Geral. But its days in the region are counting down. While in some sectors of the area the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest is burned and transformed into charcoal to fuel ceramic industry in south Santa Catarina, in a nearby area a phosphate mining enterprise leaded by BUNGE and YARA food and fertilizer international groups are struggling to get an environmental license to trigger their project.

If mining projects continue to be licenced, Santa Catarina will loose and deteriorate some of the most beautiful landscape in south Brazil. The Crested Eagle face will local extintion if no attempt to conserve such rare eagle in south Brazil will be set.


MiKa said...

Gostaria de lhe propror um parceria, tenho um blog sobre animais, de uma olhada la e se aceitar a parceria pege meu banner e me avise que eu coloco o seu la tambem.
Parabem pelo blog e pela luta contra a devastação ambiental.

MiKa said...

me envie por e-mail com seus banners para eu te adicionar em meu blog,e voce me adicione aqui tambem, te enviei um e-mail para o gmail, envie por ele,assim que eles chegarem eu os coloco, o meu banner ta na pagina inicial do meu blog ou na seção parceiros.